Saturday, February 14, 2015

Auditions - (2/28, 3/1)

(Warning: mild to occasional strong language, battle sequences. TV-14)

A sci-fi comedy-drama. The story follows policing team Theta, who serve what little humanity is left on Youth, the last human planet since the hostile alien Razon conquered Earth in a galactic war twenty six years earlier. With most of the planet still unexplored, the world is divided between a government struggling to maintain a city-state, and Outlandish gangs scattered across the vast uncharted. To make matters worse, a legion of Razon has been stranded somewhere unknown, and they aim to finish the campaign they started long ago. There aren't many Alpha heroes left on this world, so Theta team will have to do, battling monsters both alien and human to defend the last home they have.

Keep in mind that while this is a non-profit web-series with no revenue of any kind, we have an incredibly flexible recording schedule, and if necessary lines can be sent from home (with decent recording equipment that is). This is a project we're making in the interest of fun, pulp sci-fi, and western shootouts.

Main Cast:

Joseph Benson (M)

Joseph is the resident rookie of Theta. He's gifted and cursed with an outdated cybernetic right eye, which has often isolated him, making him socially awkward and unsure of how to relate to others.  Despite the chaos unfolding around him, challenging his faith in humanity, he still believes there can be good in the world, though it's going to take a lot of cleaning up first.

Voice: Medium pitch, younger guy, a bit awkward, thoughtful, formal, often deadpan.

"I'm Joseph Benson. Resident rookie. All I've ever wanted to do with my life is protect people. But I was born nearly blind, and one cybernetic eye is the only thing keeping me from walking into walls. So you won't be seeing me on CDHP recruitment posters anytime soon. The planet's top defense force rejected me. But luckily, the lowest force wasn't as  picky. The BIPD may not be as clean or high-tech, but it's the one place where a reject like me has a chance to make a difference in this world. Which right now happens to be a life or death difference, now that the Razon are back. I know that being on the bottom of the roster means I won't get much credit for what I do, but that's the workplace for you."

Jean Juarez (F)

One of Theta's most valuable members. A rebel at heart, Jean quit her technological studies to join the BIPD and climb its ranks with the ultimate goal of gaining a position from which she can make a difference. Although she can be warm and friendly, challenges can sometimes spark her independence into something more reckless and ruthless, driving others away.

Voice: Adult, medium pitch, a little husky, authoritative, harsh when irritated.

"I'm Jean Juarez. Maybe in another time and another place, you'd recognize that name as a famous engineer or politician. A name for the history books. But not in this time and place. Here, I'm just another low-level grunt. I may not have the clearance or benefits an agent of the CDHP would get. But the biggest perk of being low-level, is that you can lay low. We've found ourselves threatened with extinction at the hands of the Razon once again. Last time it was a war with starships and orbital bombings, now it's a war of detection and sabotage. The kind of war I was born for. The CDHP can keep their high-tech survelliance. Human, or not, nothing escapes me."

Tobias Quinn (M)

Sgt. Quinn, the leader of Theta, is the only one of the team to have seen the devastating Human-Razon war. 26 years later, he's finally managed to settle into as normal a life as possible for a veteran and Earth survivor. Serving in the BIPD and policing the uncharted regions of Youth with his team, he's even warmed up enough to display a dry wit and down-to-earth disposition. But the return of the Razon threatens to shatter him and force him to relive the most traumatizing time of his life.

Voice: Medium to deep, aged, simple, ranging from dry wit to low and bitter. Can hold military formality. Subtle southern accent.

"Quinn, Tobias R. Quinn. I thought the nightmare was over. That I would be dead long before the day came when the Razon found Youth, to do it like they did Earth. But that day's here, and I ain't dead, so I'll have to deal. I was alone in the first war, but now I've got a team to look after. A team I've been too kind to, who I should've been preparing this whole time. Before, we patrolled for smugglers and trespassers, now we're hunting for the same monsters that drove us from our world in the first place, and we didn't even get a raise. I think the higher ups' exact words were to "give 'em hell", like it's the beginning of some glorious victory... So far I'm not feelin' it."

Rus Mori (M)

Theta's resident lone wolf. His weapons are his only friend, now that the team's old medic, Beth, has died and been replaced by Joseph. He takes the Razon threat with a grim smile, rocket launcher slung over his back. Despite his boisterous front, Russ has retreated so far into himself that the only place he has left to go is the next life-- and there's no better way to get there than going for vengeful aliens with guns blazing.

Voice: Deep, gruff, occasionally crude and mocking, often boisterous.

"Name's Rus, Rus Mori. I don't talk much so bear with me on this. My life's been a spinning gun. I've worked with some folks that about thirty years ago would've earned me a lifetime in prison, but we live in a world that can't afford to be picky. So I went from being a gun for the mob, killing people they point to, to being a gun for the law, killing people they point to. Not much of a change. Then the Razon came back, and that changed shit. For once I might just be pointed at the right thing. But I'm still a gun."

Eddie Louis (M)

The screwball of Theta. Before the Razon appeared Eddie was determined to slack his way through the job. Now that the Razon have returned, Eddie completely underestimates the Razon crisis, confident that the "big boys" will handle it, and that he and his fellow "grunts" will be put on the sidelines, as usual. But when and his team are thrust into the forefront of the conflict, Eddie begins to learn the necessity of getting involved, even if it means putting himself at risk.

Voice: Young. Medium to high, laid-back, good comedic timing, ranging from deadpan to snappy. Have fun with the delivery on this one.

"Name's Edward, Edward Louis. Me and my team, have the most important and interesting job in the universe. We deal with a very critical threat. You see some shit happened with some stuff, some stuff got out of control, and now some stuff is threatening to wipe out some things. I'm not gonna get into it. Me? I'm there for the ride, and I'll lift a finger when somebody asks me. I've got other talents, like fixing stuff on the side, talking smack, wasting my time off boozing and eating at Big Maki's. Nobody can make a fake fish taco like they can."

The Ambassador (M)

The Ambassador is not your typical alien commander antagonist. Despite serving a militant dynasty in his own galaxy, years of diplomacy have made him a suave, oddly casual manipulator-- of both humans and his own kind.

Voice: Smooth, knowing, slightly growly in an almost sensual way. Bad. Ass.

"We are at the far edge of the galaxy, a place the Razon empire has been blind to. They will never forget what we've done to them. We've seen that the Humans can duplicate our technology. They pose no threat now, but in a millenium, they will have developed their technology to match ours, their numbers will increase by the billions, and their hate for us will be the same. They will pose a threat. I do not take threats lightly. It is time we stop thinking as castaways, and think as conquerors. First, we'll need reinforcements."

Supporting Roles:

Cal (F)

The leader of a progressive Outlander community/faction. Born and raised in the Uncharted. Despite her survivalist mentality, she holds great compassion for her followers, but she has little patience and even less sympathy for outsiders. There's very little she wouldn't do to protect her own, and there's even less she wouldn't do to avenge them.

Voice: Middle-aged. Cold and no nonsense. Tough and authoritative. No true accent, but rather a down to earth manner of speaking and vernacular not dissimilar to a southern accent.

"The CDHP has shown us nothing but hot air in the past. But this isn't like that. It's fuel. They get their people to fear us, the public will beg them to light the match. With their weapons and technology they could wipe us out completely. Our squabbles and differences are nothing compared to the threat the CDHP poses, and yet we'd all rather hide and let them label us as squatters and thieves. They have an army, but we outnumber them five to one. They have greater technology but we've got better wits. They may have a hundred bases all over this world, but we know the land better than they ever will. So what the hell are we doing picking fights with each other? Let's pick one with them!"

Vanessa Sayder (F)

The bad-ass mother (literally) in charge of the BIPD Department, and friend of Quinn. She has always strived to be in charge of a successful department, fighting criminal scumbags-- but facing a small legion of ruthless aliens wasn't quite what she had in mind when she climbed the ranks. Especially now that she'll have to deal with it from behind a desk.

Voice: Older. Medium to low, smooth, diplomatic, a little weary but still game.

"I was there you know. When we first landed on this planet. It was a shithole. Well, still is. But it was free. No Razon, no war, no fear. Even if we couldn't breathe without a filter, we were still breathing. There was kind of a thrill to it, you know? The thrill of a new frontier, starting over. And at the time I thought "maybe this time we'll get things right", that didn't happen of course."

Charlie (F)

A bright and energetic young Junker (an Outlander that collects space debris). Optimistic, and for that reason, she's underestimated. In truth, she knows the Uncharted better than anyone, and how to survive in it. She's independent only when faced with authority, though she's reasonable about it. She paints an oddly positive picture of life in the Uncharted, though she has little faith in government, even Outlander forms of government. She distrusts Cal especially, as she is well aware of what Cal is capable of, and what she has done to get her way.

Voice: High to medium. Mellow. Energetic. Good comedic and sentimental ability.

"Hey. We're not all a bunch of savages that shoot people and eat our own babies like you think we are. We earn our keep, and we mind our own. Those boys attacked you only 'cause you were in their territory. You Feds are always looking for an excuse to use those shiny guns you've got. We don't want your help. We're fine. People get hurt but that's just how life is for us. If you aren't careful, shit happens and then you're dead. We all know the risks. It's a small price to pay to live free from people like you, and you won't even let us have that."

Jack Kingston (M)

Jack is a brilliant but excitable scientist working for the CDHP, rivaling Jean in his own brilliance. The Razon threat--especially his own unique encounter--has left him shaken with survivor's guilt, in addition to regular guilt. Aggravating both his nervous rambling and his bitter sarcasm. The Razon threat has brought him and Jean to work together despite their dealings in the past.

Voice: Medium pitch, young, with a moderate English accent. Eloquent. His emotions are transparent when he slows down, though when he's in the zone--he talks lightning fast.

"Listen carefully, I can't tell you everything I know, it's listening in on everything I say, but I can tell you this! Keep in mind it's a theory, birthed from about a dozen other theories. Implausible, unthinkable, inconcievable--But... A possibility nonetheless. You must listen. The fate of our world may depend on this vital information, and I know I can only trust you with it."

Catrin (F)

A tough yet inexperienced Outlander criminal and con-artist, whom Theta had a fateful an encounter with, and couldn't quite shake off ever since.  She's cocky, eager to earn a reputation, and to overthrow her boss and take a hold of their organization.

Voice: Medium to high, suave, smug. Needlessly vulgar.

"A minute ago, I had a team, I had a loaded gun, I had this big score in the bag, and best of all I had you idiots perfectly lined up in my scope. This was turning out to be a great fucking day. Why am I here? I'm here for the same reason you're here, for the same reason the fucking Razon are here... Hang on, you don't know do you? [Laughs] You have no idea what it is you're dealing with."

Jak'ra (F)

The Razon Ambassador's hand. A Razon with the noble blood of the Xar'val, ancient Razon warriors. While not as needlessly cruel as her counterparts, she is still fiercely loyal to the Ambassador, and will kill on command.

Voice: Low and gruff. Refined, almost archaic.

"We are paladins of the Xar'val, chosen from a roster of thousands. Never forget why we do this. The oath we swore. We will serve the empire, and they will leave our clan be. If we are to serve our people, we are to do as the Ambassador bids, and slay his enemies."

Pagh "The Beater" (M)

The Ambassador's sadistic second in command. Large, even for a Razon, and sports a massive hammer he gleefully pounds his enemies with. Despite his cockiness and arrogance, he holds respect for the Ambassador, who is the only person keeping him in line. He's a bully, who also happens to be an alien. Not a pleasant guy.

Voice: Medium to deep. Gruff. Vulgar, but not unintelligent.

"Listen up you scum. You see this? I bet whoever gets his job next time will take me and my orders a bit more seriously. Leave 'im to rot, and take the Human. Our war will have no short amount of Human meat. I never tried Human, I better get a taste for it. [Laughs]"

 We will critique your auditions if requested. We also accept redos.


Much of the show's emotion and humor must be conveyed through the character's voices, so be sure to show off your emotional range. Be creative, and don't worry about overdoing it-- it's always easier to tone down overacting than beef up underacting. We value acting ability over a voice that matches a character, so don't let your vocal pitch deter you from auditioning. We welcome auditioning for multiple roles as long as you can make each of them a bit different.

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